香港兔友協會 (兔協) 領養程序 / Hong Kong Rabbit Society (HKRS) Adoption Procedure

***由於現在普通訪客的參觀時間暫停,只有已成功審批合格的申請者可以有機會跟他 / 她選擇的兔子見面 (領養程序2至7會如常進行),所有普通訪客如欲申請領養只可以從本會官方網頁內揀選兔子作領養申請。

***所有申請人必須持有 <香港永久性居民身份證>,年滿18歲,獲得所有同住家人同意,而且申請人或其配偶必須現有穩定薪金的全職工作。


香港兔友協會 (兔協) 領養程序

  1. (暫停)於參觀時間親臨本中心待領兔區看待領兔子。
  2. 選擇合適兔子及由申請人親自即場填妥領養申請表。
  3. 一般情況下,10個工作天內 (星期六,日及公眾假期不計算在內) 負責義工會聯絡閣下進行審批或給予閣下審批結果。(若收到的領養申請表數量遠遠超出負責義工的工作量,或有機會需要10個工作天以上)
  4. 合格之申請人會被安排到本中心做最少2次清籠工作。 (視乎情況,每次大概1至3小時)
  5. 準備好所有合適的兔用品 (要根據負責義工給您的物資表購買) 並且得到負責義工認可。
  6. 溫習本會官方網頁中的飼養知識。
  7. 參與一個 <正確飼養兔子> 的訓練課堂 (視乎情況,大概2至5小時) 及簡單考試合格後接兔子回家。
  • 整個領養程序可能需要大概1個月時間。
  • 按負責義工決定有否需要家訪。
  • 申請不一定成功,不是先申請先得。
  • 申請成功與否一切會以本會安排的負責義工決定,本會有最終決定權。
  • 本會有權拒絕任何不適合的領養申請,如申請表填寫資料未能符合本會申請要求,將不另作通知。
  • 於領養過程中,本會亦有權隨時終止未能配合領養要求的申請個案。
  • 無論有否飼養兔子經驗,領養程序都是一樣。 (若曾於兔協成功領養過兔子者再次申請領養兔子,領養程序會由負責義工審批後再作決定可否簡化)

慈善機構牌照編號 97/7581

豁免持有動物售賣商牌照編號 ORG-00093



***Since the visiting hours for general visitors are now suspended, only successful applicants, who passed our assessment, can have chance to meet their chosen rabbit (adoption procedure 2-7 remains unchanged). All general visitors, who want to apply adoption, can only choose rabbit from our official website for rabbit adoption application.

***All applicants must have <HONG KONG PERMANENT IDENTITY CARD>, over 18 years old, with all family members’ agreement. Also, applicant or his/her spouse must have full-time job with stable salary currently.

***There is no online application for our adoption. Please come to our centre to complete the application form on the spot. Thank you.

Hong Kong Rabbit Society (HKRS) Adoption Procedure

  1. (Suspended) Come to our centre to visit the homing rabbits during visiting hours.
  2. Choose the rabbits and fill in the application form for adoption on the spot by applicant himself / herself.
  3. Wait for volunteer-in-charge to contact you for assessment or give you the assessment result within 10 working days generally (Excluding Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday). (If the number of adoption application forms received is so much higher than the workload of the volunteers-in-charge, it may take more than 10 working days)
  4. Suitable applicant will be arranged to come to our centre to do at least 2 times cage cleaning works (about 1-3 hours each time, depending on the situation).
  5. Prepare all the things for your rabbit. (Following the checklist your volunteer-in-charge give you) and get approval from your volunteer-in-charge.
  6. Revision about rabbit care knowledge on our official website.
  7. Attend a <Proper Rabbit Keeping> training course (about 2-5 hours, depending on the situation) and pass a simple test before bringing rabbit home.
  • Whole adoption procedure may need around 1 month.
  • Home visit may also be required depends on volunteer-in-charge’s decision.
  • Submitting application form does not mean that your application is success. It is not first-apply-first-served.
  • Volunteer-in-charge has the right to approve or reject application. HKRS retains the absolute right to make decision in the adoption process.
  • HKRS reserves the right to reject any unqualified adoption applications. If the information in the application form fails to meet the requirements of HKRS, no further notice will be given.
  • During the adoption process, HKRS also have the right to terminate the application cases that fail to comply with the adoption requirements at any time.
  • Applicant needs to complete the whole adoption procedure even if you have experience in rabbit keeping. (If you already successfully adopted our rabbit before, volunteer-in-charge retains the absolute right to make decision whether the procedure can be simplified or not)

Registered charity number 91/7581

ATL exemption number ORG-00093