現時兔子的消暑方法是否真的已經足夠? / Have you done enough to keep your rabbit cool and comfortable?








1. 食量減少/停食;
2. 不願郁動/全身放軟;
3. 流口水/流鼻水;
4. 呼吸急速/氣喘;
5. 懂去廁所的兔兔突然隨處小便,並經常在撤尿的位置休息,毛毛染尿。









多年前發生了一件真兔真事 :一隻兔兔因天氣過熱,便長期攤在尿尿上企圖一解暑氣。該兔兔的主人沒有及時作出處理,兔兔的大腿因而潰爛,最後需要把一隻後腳切除方可保住兔命,後果相當嚴重。 為你家的兔兔著想,希望各位可以為兔兔做足消暑措施。有需要時不要吝嗇少少電費,開冷氣給兔兔吧!此外,請在籠內加上適當的墊材,保持兔兔及地方清潔,均可減低尿灼傷的機會。如果有天兔兔因天氣酷熱而撤尿,請不要再責備兔兔「唔乖」,抵打的應該是那個「唔乖」的主人!記得,兔兔不能自己選擇主人及自己的家,牠的一生只有你,一切靠你依賴你!



Have you done enough to keep your rabbit cool and comfortable?

As the weather becomes warmer, responsible rabbit owners should be well aware of the risk of heatstroke as well as heat-induced gastrointestinal, liver or kidney failure when rabbits are exposed to temperature over 25C. Every year during the hottest days of the summer, HKRS would receive a large number of calls seeking urgent help related to urine scald (caused by the rabbit sitting on its on urine to cool down, leading to skin inflammation) or possible heatstroke. Most often we would need to take the rabbit in immediately for grooming service, or in worse cases refer to the vet for emergency care and treatments.

Have you done enough to keep your rabbit cool and comfortable? Learn how to prevent your rabbit from suffering from heat-related problems early, so you don’t end up regretting for life.

Keeping cool in summertime

As summer approaches, demand for HKRS’s grooming services would skyrocket, and we constantly hear the same story over and over again: “My bunny has been misbehaving! He started urinating everywhere outside of his litter box, and he even sat in his own pool of pee, and the fur on his tummy/bum/hands are soaked and browned!” But before you start blaming your rabbit, consider this: why would an otherwise well-behaved bunny suddenly become “bad”? Perhaps, the “misbehaved” is in fact the owner, not the bunny!

Hong Kong’s subtropical climate compounded with the effects of global warming means that temperature is getting hotter year after year. Can you imagine wearing a dense fur coat when the temperature outside is over 30C? While we can take a cold shower or wipe our skin with a damp towel to cool off, rabbits cannot do anything aside from trying to cool themselves off by sitting or lying on his own urine. They are not doing this for fun, but for trying to stay alive!

How, then, do we know our rabbits are at the brink of heat exhaustion? Symptoms of overheated rabbits include:
1. Loss or decrease in appetite;
2. Refusal to move/Becoming limp;
3. Drooling/runny nose;
4. Rapid breathing/hyperventilating;
5. Urinating on the ground or in the cage despite previously trained to use litter box, sitting/sleeping on the urine, or evidence of fur soaked in urine

Sometimes we would hear people argue that their bunnies were fine and healthy even when they didn’t keep the air conditioner on in the summer. In fact, as prey animals, rabbits are innately good at hiding their pain and discomfort. Bunnies who are exposed to mild yet long-term overheating may already be suffering from near-fatal organ damages before showing and signs of distress, and can only be detected through blood tests.

So, what are some things you have done to help keep your bunny cool? Do you know if these measures are appropriate or adequate?

Trimming/Shaving: NEVER SHAVE your rabbit or over-trim the rabbit’s fur, since their fur serves to protect their delicate skin from nicks and cuts, irritations, allergens, and bug bites. Trimming their fur also does nothing to reduce the density of the fur, therefore cannot adequately cool off the rabbit and hence air-conditioning is still needed. A better strategy is to do regular and thorough grooming, which can reduce the amount of trapped dead fur stuck above the skin, and of course, keep the environment cool with air-conditioning.

Ice pack/cold-air humidifier: both would lose their function quickly in hot temperature, and the condensation and humidity they produce would actually make the rabbit more susceptible to various illnesses, including skin conditions, fur mites, and gut stasis. Consider ice packs and cold-air humidifiers only as short-term emergency backups in case of air-conditioner malfunction.

Fan: can only serve to keep the air circulating within the room, and in no way can it bring a room with a temperature of over 30C down to 25C. Fans have existed for centuries; why do you think air-conditioners were invented after?

Cooling slaps/marble tiles/ceramic plates: try sitting on one and it will warm up to your body temperature within minutes, so they don’t work (unless you pee on it to make it wet and cool)

Air-conditioner: should be kept on throughout the day, especially between noon to dusk. If it is only turned on when humans are home, then be prepared to come home to a bunny with heat stroke.

It’s always sad to hear of a bunny dying or becoming severely disabled from heat stroke, sometimes simply due to ignorance of a loving owner. Your rabbit is part of your family and should be cared for as such. Even a mild heat stroke can cause decreased appetite leading to GI stasis, and worse case scenario of that is death.

Let us share with you a true story about urine scald: a family decided not to keep air-conditioner on during the day, so the bunny would lie in his own urine all day trying to keep cool. The owner did not get the bunny to the vet in time for treatment; the urine burned a hole through the skin and muscle of the bunny’s hind leg, and finally the vet had to amputate that leg in order to keep the bunny alive.

Please do what you can to prevent your rabbit from suffering from heatstroke. Keep your air-conditioner on when it’s over 25C: what little money you save from electricity would certainly be less than a resulting medical bill, and is definitely not worth more than your rabbit’s life. Also, be diligent in keeping the cage lined with appropriate floor mats and bedding, and keep it dry and clean to prevent urine scald. Remember, your rabbit was chosen by you to become part of the family, and you are all he’s got to depend on, for the rest of his life.