LCX Rabbit Paradise (18-21 April 2014)

今年於復活節期間,香港兔友協會一連4日每天都會派出多隻「兔仔大使」到尖沙咀海港城LCX 與顧客近距離接觸,並舉辦不同活動宣揚愛護動物的意識及改善動物的福利。

Hong Kong Rabbit Society will send several rabbits have closely contact with shoppers during Easter.  Different activities will be held to raise awareness in animal protection and improve animal’s welfare.

活動詳情 Event information :

日期 Date : 18-21/4/2014

時間 Time : 中午12:00 noon – 晚上 8:00 pm

地點 Avenue : LCX 活動區(顧客服務部側)Event area (next to Customer Service Counter)

領養活動 Adoption Day


Hong Kong Rabbit Society will hold an Adoption Day in LCX to help the abandoned rabbits to find a new home.  Applicant can fill in the adoption form, the volunteer will contact you within 10 days from receiving your application.

慈善義賣及慈善攝影 Charity Sale & Photo Corner


There are a variety of rabbit gadgets for charity sale.  Customers can donate HK$20 to take photo with the rabbit at charity photo corner and receive a photo as a souvenir.

「跑跑跳跳大步走」比賽 Rabbit Running Competition


The game is set as two rabbits in a group.  The Champion, second place and third place will be phased out from eight rabbits.

比賽日期 Date : 20/4/2014

比賽時間 Time : 下午3:00 – 下午4:30pm

比賽地點 Venue : LCX 活動區(顧客服務部側)Event area (next to Customer Service Counter)

頒獎嘉賓 Guest : Ms. Ethel Chow

比賽詳情及下載參加表格 Competition information & Download Application Form: