領養編號: |
2446 |
接收日期: |
15/4/2023 |
兔兔名稱: |
Michi |
品種: |
Angora 安哥拉 |
顏色: |
Grey & White 灰白色 |
性別: |
Female 女 |
年齡: |
3.5 years old 3歲半 |
棄養原因: |
No time to take care 無暇照顧 |
特性: |
Active & Curious 活潑好奇 |
其他註明: |
*此兔有牙齒,脊骨及腹膜炎問題 This Rabbit Has Teeth, Spinal and Peritonitis Problem / passed away during surgery due to multiple adhesions and peritonitis on 25/5/2023 |